some day those scribble lines will be straight. what exactly does this lyric from "the blue roses" by rookie of the year mean? hmm....the world may never know. kidding. my take on it is that things will fall into place even if they are messed up now. haha. i don't know why i am writing this. i just upgraded my blog to some new blogger account with google thing and it's pretty cool i'm not gonna lie. so i thought i would start the new layout with a new blog. oh i'm so clever. i was reading kristens entry earlier and she said she tripped in her clogs and i thought that was hilarious. you just have to picture it and you will see. but anyway...
dev is at work and i'm at school just...hangin out. nicola and chris just watched the new dane cook vicious circle dvd me and dev got. that man completes my life. lol. oh man i am not kidding. now i am sitting here at my computero and christie is drawing stuff for her art class i'm listening to hilary duff christmas cd. speaking of my GIRL ahaha dude hilary duff "stuff " (her brand of like...clothes/accessories etc for girls) is coming out with an electronic toothbrush that plays "wake up" when you brush your teeth for 2 minutes. how amazing is that. i HAVE to get it. and elaborating on things i want, or am getting, my mom wrapped all the xmas presents already and put them under our tree. how rude. i like when santa comes in and there's new presents than the ones we already can see before xmas. she's so lazy errrrrrr. no spirit i tell ya!
today i had to present for freshman seminar my powerpoint on a career of my choice and i picked event planning. i just read off my slides the whole time and probably looked like a dumbass. i talk wayyy too fast but i don't really notice it until i'm done and i'm like out of breath. lol. i never want to take public speaking. that terrifies me. something else that teriffies me is the fact that NC may never get snow and that pisses me off because i am getting a new winter coat for christmas and i really want to wear it. i miss the snow. this whole living in the "south" may not be a permenent lifestyle change for me i'm thinking. who knows. i can't wait until the next season of laguna beach though, or the hills. random thought.
i had the most insane dream/nightmare last night. and one part of it kept reoccuring over and over....3 times to be exact. however, it would change everytime. basic summary of the dream went as follows: me and devlin go to a tanning salon but it's really weird and it's in a perfume store. you only get to tan for 5 minutes and you stand in little stalls that look like dressing rooms and its really uncomfortable. then we go to leave and the owner is the lead singer dan from this providence, but only for a little while. there's this other guy who is like obsessed with him and somehow this girl who i used to run with in high school is there. she tries to save me sort of. all i remember really is weird bits and pieces where in that salon/perfume store the dude and the girl i ran with are fighting and he is trying to kill her. i don't really know how this all ties together, i am forgetting parts that i remembered when i woke up but all i know is that i was freaked out and couldn't go back to sleep. i was sweating like i just ran a marathon and it was nast. so i just got up and took a shower. but yeah....creepy. well thats all the news i've got. cept that i took my pop culture final tonight and it was lame.
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