today was far more uneventful than the past few days. i had to get up early and go to work, and then straight to SI which i'm glad i did because it helped alot and i got my homework done. well then i hung out with cody for awhile before i went to get my haircut. it turned out nicely...its still long but uh there's a really short layer in the back and i'm still trying to play around with it and get used to.
alright so obnoxious is my word of the week. everything and everyone is being obnoxious to me lately.
- Main Entry:
- Pronunciation: obnoxious
- \äb-ˈnäk-shəs, əb-\
- Function:
- adjective
- 1archaic : exposed to something unpleasant or harmful —used with to
- 2archaic : deserving of censure3: odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive
tomorrow i'm getting paid 100 dollars to babysit from like 12- 7 or 8 or something like that. i'm dumb and i'll probably spend that money by next tuesday afternoon. there's so many things on my list to do. i'd run out of space and my fingers would hurt if i wrote them all down. i wish i could get motivated enough to accomplish one of my many brilliant of which is to start scrapbooking with the hundreds of pictures i have on my computer from the past 4 years. maybe one day it will happen.
i'm not going to lie, i understand
looooove reading your blogs. keep 'em coming. :)
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