Sunday, January 31, 2010

january snowed in weekend

yesterday we were "snowed in" too bad this couldnt happen in the middle of week which would cancel school. but i have managed to catch up a lot on season 4 of dexter. i am on episode 8 of 12. so i'm getting there. i reallllly don't want to go to school tomorrow but i know it's going to happen. fml.

Friday, January 29, 2010


i took an extremely long hiatus from blogger. i don't have an explanation other than either i was busy or i was busy doing nothing..or i'm just lazy. probably a combination of the three. anyways, heather asked me if i quit blogging and the answer is no, just...took a long break.

so what has happened since april 2009? well not a whole lot. i took 4 summer classes and worked at ann taylor...that was fun. (not) and....cody came to visit in august and we went to ocean isle for his cousin, holly's wedding. i haven't seen him since. :( but we still talk 24/7 so i guess that's good...i don't know where it's going so don't ask. let's started back in august and that sucked but i made it through and over fall break i went to NJ/NYC with some akpsi people and it was a lot of fun. Then, over thanksgiving break the fam took a trip to CT and then to phily to see the godparents, then we picked up my grandma in jersey and she was here until last week. okkkk came and went and now i'm back in school. boo. i have 5 classes....they are ok. i have 5 more to take in the fall then i'm DONE. DONE. DONE. please hurry...sorta.

i just got a job at the accounting office that my parents do their accounting with. the lady is nice. it's a pretty chill job so far. i wish i was an accounting major so i could have gotten credit for it but oh well. i am poor and need money.

i also got really obsessed with true blood and dexter since the last time i yeah..that's fun.

i can't think of anything else right now...i'll try and update more often (i always say that)

so long....