Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the 7 things i hate

so i'm listening to some old school copeland and talking on aim being a loser. i havent written in so long but i need to start again. it needs to be a habit because...i said so. and i am so amused by other people's blogs i have to keep the trend going. also heather said she was just inspired to start one because of me and the title of her blog is even like mine so i'm really flattered. anywho...
its august and that means school starts monday. thank god i am in a new apartment with wonderful people so you would think things could only be looking up right now...but no, its my life which means something has to go wrong every 5 seconds. last week it was getting a flat tire on the way to the soundtrack to your summer tour so i missed the maine and i was beyond pissed. this week i got hours cut at work which means i'm poorer, along with fantastic news about someone important to me moving far, far away. and to top it all off 1/5 of my family left, aka JR went off to college. how brave of him to actually leave farther than 10 minutes from our parents house. kudos. its all very bittersweet. i need a new hobby. oh well okay let me recap on the rest of summer..just got back from nj for the reunion that was fun. then ct to see grandparents, also great. and of course visiting the godparents in pa. we rafted down the delaware river. woo hoo. i also went home to md in june for a week which i don't know if i got to mention when i wrote last. thats really all the excitement i have going on right now. i need to pick up my parking pass and get books...ughhhh

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