Friday, January 14, 2011

journey to the end of my life

i can't stop listening to two bands right now. and they are complete opposites.

one is allstar weekend. i believe i mentioned them before. my brothers old best friend, zach, is the lead singer, and my sister and i saw them perform in december. anyway they are pop punk whatever and their songs are super catchy and make the day pass faster at work while i enter bank statements monotonously at the computer. alright so that's one band.

second band is called states. just recently found them and a girl's the lead singer. they're a tad depressing, but so am i, so we fit perfectly. anyway, i just love them and can't stop listening to their ep either.

what else? it snowed. a decent amount. and then it froze. uncc didn't have school for 3 days. that would happen when i actually DON'T have to go back for once. *sigh*

tonight the fam and i went to dinner at olive garden. we took my grandma since she's leaving sunday. i'm sad. who else is going to sit with me alone all day while i watch tv and google stuff on my laptop? wahhh loneliness and i have a love/hate relationship.

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