Wednesday, November 15, 2006

home alone and in need of a haircut

so it has come to my attention that i have not written in this stupid thing for like a month. well, half a month i guess. yeah because its the 15th and i need to change my contacts now. anyway, i feel bad about myself because kristen keeps up with hers so well. now i have to do one of those stupid summary posts because my life is passing by and you don't know what is happening to me. that sounded weird but whatever.

i have a pop culture test today and i really don't feel like studying quite yet although i should. it's pop culture i mean really...but i still want a good grade. i wrote this 10 page paper for my semester project in there and i'm not gonna lie, i think it was wicked good. i want it back and i better have gotten a good grade on it. onto other things, i really need a haircut. my bangs are far beyond what should even be categorized as bangs, and they need a cutting. ew. i hate split ends. room is pretty clean and we have inspection later tonight so i need to clean even more. oh and aw man laguna beach finale is on tonight, how sad. haha. oh wednesday nights will have to do with just one tree hill now. laskdnfsdfnsdf

gosh i cannot wait to go home, not to like my house i mean, because that's here in charlotte, but i mean home like MD. we're going there for thanksgiving and i'll be there all break. i'm so excited to see everyone you don't even know. one week! ahhh. :)

before i go study i should tell you about my giving blood misfortune. so i make two appointments for me and devlin to donate blood last wednesday at 2:30 for the red cross right. i get there and everythings going as planned. this time around i actually have good blood pressure so i'm good to go. i sit in the chair, yadda yadda, so i'm pumping blood into the little capri sun bag and having the time of my life when my hand turns purple and numb..i thought this may be normal until i start feeling really dizzy and cold and sweaty. yeah, apparently not a good sign. my vein wouldnt't give anymore blood so they're moving the needle around and telling me to squeeze on the little hand bar thing hard and it still doesn't get anything flowing. by the third time they called it quits on me after i almost passed out. that was scary. so now they can't use my blood, they have to "use it for research" and i think that's just a nice way of saying you didn't fill the whole bag so we have to throw it away...but who knows. i swear this kind of thing would only happen to me. i'm jealous because it was devlin's first time donating and he was fine. i'm still going to let them try again on me sometime next year. it'll be my life's goal.

damn. it's time to study.

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